Exploring SQL Server 2016: Fundamentals Free Online Course

The only exception to this is indexed views, when the result set is also stored on disk, just like a table. Views simplify the design of a database by providing a layer of abstraction, and hiding the complexity of table joins. Views are also a way of securing your data by giving users permissions to use a view, without giving them permissions to the underlying objects. This means data can be kept private, and can only be viewed by appropriate users. A view is a special type of query – one that is stored and can be used in other queries – just like a table.

This module describes spatial data and how this data can be implemented within SQL Server. Once you’ve installed DBeaver, you’ll probably want to connect to a database. Create a database, add data, run queries, backup a database, restore, and more. Dynamic Data Masking is a feature in SQL Server 2016 that is designed to return a custom mask of information for sensitve data in columns. A temporal table is a table that provides a view of the data of a table at a point in time.

Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server

Before beginning to work with Microsoft SQL Server in either a development or an administration role, it is important to understand the scope of the SQL Server platform. In particular, it is useful to understand that SQL Server is not just a database engine—it is a complete platform for managing enterprise data. SQL Server provides a strong data platform for all sizes of organizations, in addition to a comprehensive set of tools to make development easier, and more robust. SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed and marketed by Microsoft. As a database server, the primary function of the SQL Server is to store and retrieve data used by other applications.

  • You need to install Docker before you install SQL Server on your Mac.
  • Recall how we stored phone numbers and addresses in separate phone books and address books.
  • Once you’ve installed DBeaver, you’ll probably want to connect to a database.
  • This module explains how to name, declare, assign values to, and use variables.
  • Memory-optimized tables are primarily stored in memory, which provides the improved performance by reducing hard disk access.

SQL Server 2016 is Microsoft’s new relational database management system (RDBMS) release. It is an important application used globally by database administrators (DBA), database managers (DBM) and other database professionals in executing operations on stored data in databases. Such procedures related to the fundamental aspects, manageability and feature enhancements on the 2016 release are essential for prospective database professionals. Professionals in the industry can also take this course as a refresher training for SQL Server basics. Computer enthusiasts looking to explore database management using SQL Server have important functionalities they can learn from in this course. For any type of learner considering a future in information technology, we offer a perfect foundation for development in the IT field.

Module 13: Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server

As a SQL Server professional, you are likely to be asked to create databases that meet business needs. However, occasionally you may need additional capabilities that can only be met by using common language runtime (CLR) code. As functionality is added to SQL Server with each new release, the necessity to use managed code decreases. However, there are times when you might need to create aggregates, stored procedures, triggers, user-defined functions, or user-defined types. In this module, you will learn how to use CLR managed code to create user-defined database objects for SQL Server.

Functions are routines that you use to encapsulate frequently performed logic. Rather than having to repeat the function logic in many places, code can call the function. In this module, you will learn to design and implement user-defined functions (UDFs) that enforce business rules or data consistency.

Skills you’ll gain

Humans have a long history of working with data in different forms, from storing various records of yielded crops to game hunting and other information relevant to early civilisations. In human dynamism and development, database systems have become quite elaborate through our everyday activities. Solutions to these problems brought about the basic principles of the database systems we use today. These systems have also evolved to become computerised, harnessing the ever-improving power of different computer devices around us, including our phones and other mobile devices. Open your contacts on your mobile phone for a simple example of database utilisation. Recall how we stored phone numbers and addresses in separate phone books and address books.

Natively compiled stored procedures further improve performance over traditional interpreted Transact-SQL. SQL Server adds several enhancements, such as the ability to alter a memory-optimised table without recreating SQL Server 2016 Core Lessons it. Memory-optimised tables are primarily stored in memory, which provides the improved performance by reducing hard disk access. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.

Restore a Database .bak File using SQLOPS

This module describes how to create DML queries, and why you would want to. This course is best suited to professionals working closely with SQL Server 2016, creating and managing databases, looking to develop and prove their advanced skills working with databases. You need to install Docker before you install SQL Server on your Mac. This tutorial also shows you how to increase the memory allocation in Docker so that it’s all set to run SQL Server. Ayo Olubeko talks through the improvements being made to SQL Server tooling in 2016.

SQL Server 2016 Core Lessons

In particular, it is useful to understand that SQL Server is not just a database engine – it is a complete platform for managing enterprise data. SQL Server provides a strong data platform for all sises of organisations, in addition to a comprehensive set of tools to make development easier, and more robust. This technology was originally code-named “Hekaton” as the goal was to improve performance 100x. The technology was based on MIcrosoft research into in-memory databases and was first released in SQL Server 2014. You will receive step-by-step instructions for installation and setup and learn about the various options and upgrades available.

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